Friday, February 22, 2013

Westdale really IS creating more beautiful smiles all around!!

So happy... Kurwin my 16yr old son went in for his appointment for sedation and a unexpected root canal... while there I mentioned his past incident of chipping his tooth and how the dentist added a tooth portion that was 5mm shorter than the tooth next too it along with a line of discoloration... front two teeth so very noticeable... it has always bugged him.
They fixed it!! They did all the other planned work and fixed it... I was in SHOCK how great it looks... the discoloration is gone AND his two front teeth are the same size and length!! So excited for him...everyday he talks about it and I know it has done a lot for his self image already!!

Thanks again for everything!!

Side note: Still waiting for the lab with my reports to be processed, still haven't heard the plan of action for my own teeth but I am still excited and the plan is to go in tomorrow to hear all the details!!

I will try to post an after pic of Kurwin... (getting him to LET me is the challenge!)
But for now here is the BEFORE pic!

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