Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Past Present and Future Smiles - Intro


What is your biggest insecurity? 
Imagine one day someone tells you that they will fix it, it will be PERFECT, in my case specifically, the words
"you will have a perfect smile"

Imagine then you wake up and the one thing you couldn't change, the one thing that has driven years of self loathing is well, simply .... gone.

This is exactly what is happening to me!

I will be attempting to blog here as often as needed to document my journey to a perfect smile for the next 6 months or so. I will be including text and images of all things in progress... I may even VLOG (no promises)

Thank you to the wonderful people at Westdale Dental Centre in Hamilton Ontario, for giving me such an amazing gift.


My BIGGEST insecurity is and has always been my teeth. I am 35yrs old and without the financial ability to see the dentist regularly over the last 15 years, I am now missing 3 teeth, in the front portion of my mouth.

I also have several more broken teeth down to the gums along with countless other issues that cause horrible pain on and off.

The feeling of being stuck like this forever with gross broken teeth and all the stereotypes that go with having missing teeth... I run two businesses full time, one being TDF Photography having to "act" confident and social while working with clients in this condition was extremely challenging. Also, knowing by the time I was 38-40 I would not have any teeth left to chew with took it's toll. Having visibly missing teeth has caused me to have low self esteem, prevented me from being who I want to be in life, as a mom to five kids and in business.
It took away the ability to enjoy life moments, smiling / laughing along with everyone else, from reaching out... all the things that make life enjoyable.

While the process has just begun and with a given 6 month start to finish time limit, I will need to be patient but I am so eager and excited for all the changes a new smile will bring!

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